When starting the design process there was a deep dive into research about designers of all kinds over the last 150 years. This design was created to share the wisdom of the designers before us. This meant as the designer of this project soul searching was needed in order to understand what it means to be a designer; in order to decided whos work and philosophy was important. 
The four logos above are original designs created as with the style from each designer that was chosen within the book. 
Each page of Designer Wisdom was designed with the original logo a narrative about the designer themselves and the right side is a recreation of their original work. 
When creating Frutiger’s quote within this book it was hard for me as it was the simplest design to complete; during the design step the struggle was allowing myself to have an abundance of negative space and typeface that was in my mind so small.
Through this process, the challenges came during the research step in design. Changing from my original designer to these newly discovered ones restarted my time for completion, making it more of a challenge to complete the work that reaches my overall standards. I began my work with a Typographer and this may not have been the smartest way to begin my design journey. However, by doing this work first the rest of the project was easier to see from the eyes of what I was becoming; a designer.
 In the end I began to accept the type as it stood alone allowing the words to speak for themselves. I moved on to creating logos and after looking at the designers artwork, I used the pieces that I believed would make their style shine through. For Frutiger it was the simple and geometric precision, Bradbury used Subtractive color changes to show movement, Cassandra was an early designer with minimalistic designs with a little grit or industrialism to them, and Lustig Cohen had a bit of entropy about her with a geometric base. Each of these designers had their own philosophy and way of creating but bringing them together as a whole would explain who I am as a creator and a human-being. I like things to be simple, with a touch of chaos as my brain sees the world a little different as is the gift – or curse - of a left handed person. 

Designer Wisdom


Designer Wisdom
